As a technology based company, drawing knowledge from Academia and transferring to the industry is one of our assets.
Here are examples of the projects we are developing:
We have developed a service to digitize palynological slides and automatically identify types of organic particles, providing quantified paleoenvironmental analyses.
Our consultants are involved in several research projects on the Geology, Stratigraphy and Petroleum system of the Lusitanian, Alentejo and Algarve Basins.
Scattered occurrences of limestones and dolostones in Southern Iberia, still poorly understood, but critical for the geodynamic evolution of the region.
We continuously search for improved techniques of extracting palynomorphs from rocks. These include metasediments, evaporites and other "difficult" samples. We are also refining non-acid palynological techniques.
Know more about biostratigraphy of salt and palynology in metasediments.
A SPdP - Sociedade Portuguesa de Paleontologia em colaboração com a Chronosurveys Lda. atribuem anualmente o Prémio Paleontologia e Estratigrafia Portuguesa, destinado a galardoar artigos ou teses de licenciatura, mestrado ou doutoramento de excelente qualidade, no domínio da Paleontologia e/ou Estratigrafia.